Patient Experience: Cal Wood
Patient Story

Cal Wood

Age: 56 Hudson Oaks, TX

Cal is a cattle rancher who struggled for 10 years with debilitating knee pain. His osteoarthritis became so bad that he couldn’t perform daily tasks – his pain on a “level from 1 to 10 was a 12”. He struggled with getting into and out of his car, getting on the tractor, and even going up and down stairs. For 10 years prior to surgery Cal’s knee would „lock up“ frequently. He also had 4 previous arthroscopic surgeries on his knee. He was concerned going into surgery because other surgeons had told him he should wait until he was 60.

„Today I can do everything I need to do without thinking about my knee.“

After surgery, Cal is now able to enjoy his time on the cattle ranch and the golf course again. To help with his knee replacement surgery and recovery Cal utilized home healthcare help, rode a bike, and made sure to stretch. Most importantly, Cal now has confidence that his knee is stable and comfortable.
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