Case Spotlight: Hardware and varus deformity | Bryan Huber, MD
This case is an example of a patient with a significant varus deformity in addition to retained hardware from a previous ACL repair. This patient had been in pain for ~15 years and had a low activity level due to the disease progression.
Patient History
Product: iTotal CR
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Pre-op ROM: 5-120˚
Deformity/Indication: 10˚ varus deformity
Other issues: Retained hardware from prior ACL repair

Why Conformis?
Conformis was the right choice for this patient for two reasons:
- With larger preoperative angular deformities and flexion contractures, both greater than 15˚, I would consider a Conformis PS implant
- The additional bone preservation with Conformis implants combined with improved post-op kinematic function result in higher levels of success on more demanding young patients
Conformis Plan
The iView review is an integral part of the pre-op preparation. My key observations for this case were:
- Lateral resection is above 7mm: Since the LL is ~10mm at the 10˚ and there is medial tibial bone loss, a conservative approach on the tibial side is warranted, thus a -2mm initial resection is my plan.
- Retained hardware in the tibia will have to be removed due to interference with the Tibial tray. Note: Conformis provides additional imagery with the iView for these cses as seen below.
- Significant osteophytes present which will have to be removed intra-op prior to performing any releases to ensure proper soft tissue balancing.

Notable Condition
During the process of designing the implants, hardware was discovered. Hardware is not incorporated into the design of the iJigs or implants. It is assumed that interfering hardware will be addressed during surgery.

Intraoperative Details
Surgical Technique: Measured Resection
Tibial Resection: -2mm
Slope: 10˚
Femoral Resection: Planned 0mm
Distal Offset: 0.9mm
Final Poly: 6-B
Patella: 41mm
Post-op Results

Surgery Performed by:
Bryan Huber, MD
Mansfield Orthopaedics
Copley Hospital
Morrisville, VT
Conformis user since 2009
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Über Conformis
Wir beginnen mit einer einfachen Idee: Passen Sie das Implantat dem Patienten an, anstatt den Patienten zu zwingen, das Implantat einzusetzen
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