Patient Experience: Marilyn Dodd
Patient Story

Marilyn Dodd

iTotal Recipient Mission Viejo, CA Surgeon: Raj Sinha, MD, PhD

Marilyn is an avid CrossFit enthusiast. After a car accident left her with debilitating knee pain, she was unable to do the things she wanted to do. After multiple surgeries left her cartilage worn away her knee became stiff and she lost range of motion. The first big impact her knee pain had on her life was that she could no longer participate in long distance running. It was that issue that led Marilyn to start CrossFit.

“I’m doing things like row, weights, things I haven’t done in years.”

The pain and discomfort she felt, the lack of mobility – it all came on so gradual that she didn’t realize how bad it had become. Since her knee surgery recovery, she has been able to return to her daily life without worrying about her knee pain. Now when she does CrossFit, Marilyn finds that she doesn’t have to make certain adjustments anymore to compensate for her knee pain. She’s regained her range of motion. The day-to-day differences are evident, even with simple things like walking up and down stairs.

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Perché una protesi di ginocchio su misura?

If it's not Conformis, it's not truly patient-specific

Perché una protesi di ginocchio su misura?


Our custom-made knee implants are designed to accommodate all stages of osteoarthritis of the knee.
