Electronic Instructions For Use (eIFU)
eIFU Manuals
You have reached the Conformis Electronic Instructions For Use (eIFU) web page. Here, you may download each product’s eIFU manual. For assistance regarding the downloading process, or to request that a printed copy to be mailed to you, please contact customer-service@conformis.com or by phone at (+1) 781-345-9001.
Some products are not available in all markets due to regulatory clearances only available in certain markets. Please contact your Conformis sales representative if you have questions about the availability of our products in your region.
The eIFUs are available as PDFs below for download, organized by product. The “Current Versions” contain up-to-date information, and they should be referenced for current device use. Where they exist, we also include “Previous Revisions”, which include obsolete information. Therefore, “Previous Revisions” PDFs should only be used as a reference.